Thursday, October 14, 2010

Joy of Particles

This is my particles project.  The text moving across a particle using a text layer for the particle was a test for what I'm planning to do for the final project and I didn't want to forget how to use the text layer that way.  I included it because its just cool to me that you can do that.  On the elf, I have 5 different particles all working together.  The first is on the crystal ball in his right hand, where I wanted it to look like it was activating for combat (yep, I've played way too much Evercrack).  On the staff, I combined three different particles on the spear tip in an attempt to look fire-ish with a little smoke puffing around it.  I also have a particle emanating from the jewel below the spear's tip that's supposed to be smoke discharge from the staff.  Hope you like

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