Monday, August 30, 2010

Introductions are in order here...

Hello and welcome to my production blog for the Computer Graphics & 3D modeling and Visual Effects & Motion Graphics classes with Professor Beans.  My name is Jared O’Pry and I am a senior Radio, Television, Film major in the college of Communication at the University of Texas in Austin.  My path to here began many years ago in Louisiana working first as a computer technician to finally a computer programmer, with round about stops in the oilfields of the Gulf of Mexico, the cubical desert of Dallas and security guard (inexplicably they even gave me a weapon to carry), all in order to pay for a bad music habit that still routinely eats all money located in its immediate area.  Music started as playing guitar and has mutated to include a love of recording music to the point of owning a mobile recording studio.  My studio dreams now include a visual aspect as well, hopefully with both audio for film and editing. I have found out that I like directing but I’m no Scorsese and that producing kind of stinks but I’m pretty good with it.  I’m not sure if I am an animator or not, but I sure do like pretending I am.  Somehow all of this will lead to law school to be an entertainment lawyer if I can only convince a certain law school in Austin or Baton Rouge to let me in (everyone cross your fingers now, pretty please).  Below is a link to my most recent animation work for the class RTF366K final project by myself and Thomas Meek, which I hope you enjoy.  Thank you and I look forward to getting some new projects on here!